| Antalya GIS Congress CitySurf family had performed a successful and efficient attendance at 3rd Geographical Information Congress in Antalya between October 31s... 21.11.2011 |

| TESID AWARDS CitySurf Turkcell project has been nominated as a finalist for Turkish Electronics Industrialists Association (TESID) 2010 awards.
... 13.04.2011 |

| They have sold software even to India Mr. Gokhan Daggez who is a founding partner of PiriReis Bilisim Teknolojileri of METU Technopolis states that they are targeting to prov... 5.03.2011 |

| CitySurf Delhi State Spatial Data Infrastructure PiriReis Bilisim Teknolojileri has successfully delivered its CitySurf Delhi State Spatial Data Infrastructure project to India which is co... 31.12.2010 |

| DGI 2011 Meet CitySurf in DGI 2011, from 24 to 27 January 2011 in London. Defence Geospatial Intelligence (DGI) is Europe's largest and most... 27.12.2010 |

| VODAFONE CHOSE CITYSURF AS THEIR SPATIAL INTELLIGENCE PLATFORM PiriReis Bilisim’s innovative and pioneering 3D GIS software, CitySurf is growing bigger adding Vodafone Turkey to its customer portf... 9.07.2010 |

| MULTITOUCH SUPPORT FOR CITYSURF IS RELEASED WITH NEW VERSION Users can manage their data on multi... 15.06.2010 |

| ESKISEHIR IS SAFER WITH CITYSURF Eskisehir Police Forces are supporting th... 6.05.2010 |

| DIRECTIONS MAGASINE NEWS News about CitySurf's zmir Metropolitan Municipality has appeared on Directions Magasine Web Site. News can be reached via link :&n... 18.01.2010 |

| IZMIR METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY 3D CITY GUIDE Izmir Metropolitan Municipality 3D City Guide has been implemented. “Izmir 3D City Guide” covers 21 districts situated withi... 27.03.2009 |

| IDEX 2009 CitySurf has participated in 9th International Defence Exhibition & Conference IDEX 2009 between 22-26 February 2009 in Ab... 26.12.2008 |